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Day 6-Of The 30 Day Juicing Challenge

20140216_120616 20140216_120612Sunday, I found a coupon in the newspaper for $10.00 off a $40.00 shopping spree at Sweetbay’s and my hubby and I jumped in the car and drove over to Sweetbay’s. I picked up some great organic veggies for my juicing and FINALLY picked up some fresh ginger.

At home, I juiced a blend of herbs, kale, a 1/2″ of ginger, celery, a cucumber and a handful of frozen raspberries.  This was the first day that I did not add an apple and I later regretted that. Ick! It was so bitter and the ginger was overpowering but want not waste not and I drank it down in a few gulps. Yikes! The ginger burned and I expected heartburn to kick in 10 minutes after drinking, but no heartburn. Hmmmm

Anyway, tomorrow I will add the apple or apples and cut down on the ginger.

The old Hamilton Blender was making some grinding noises so I don’t expect it to last much longer but I have a spare extractor in the garage that I picked up at a garage sale, so I’ll keep using the Hamilton until it finally kicks the bucket.

And sorry but have to add this…talk about a cleanse. I spend some time on the toilet yesterday and I could go in for a colonoscopy today. Some people had told me that may happen with the juicing and yup, it did.

Today I got on the scale to see how much weight I lost now that my sis-in-law said I was looking thinner and my pants were fitting looser, and according to the scale; not one freaking pound. Wow! Was that disappointing.  Numbers mean a lot to me.

But I will not give up…not for 30 days. I will not surrender.

Day 6 done. Check!