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Can Cottage Cheese Cure Cancer?


Typical breakfast

Can cottage cheese cure cancer? Good question.

That’s a new one one me but this has been circulated through the alternative health community since Dr. Johanna Budwig introduced this hypothesis in 1931. It was discovered that around that time that, in the absence of oxygen, cancer cells would metabolize sugar which enabled them to multiply. Dr. Budwig discovered that  highly unsaturated cold-pressed linseed oil would carry oxygen into the cells to fight cancer. The Budwig Diet, known in North America as FO/CC diet, is one of the most widely-followed alternative remedy for cancer and diabetes. The cornerstone of the diet is cold-pressed linseed (flax seed) oil, rich in omega-3, blended with fat-free cottage cheese to make it more soluble. This gets the oxygen-carrying omega-3 into the cells where it is needed

Another name for linseed oil is flax seed. No, she wasn’t talking about the kind of linseed oil that your kids rub on their baseball bats.  This is cold-pressed, organic flax seed oil that you buy in the health food stores. In Europe it is known as linseed oil.

The other day I was grocery shopping with my mother who needed cottage cheese. “Do you know what they call cottage cheese in Germany? she asked.  My mother was born in Bavaria and is always ready to improve my German language skills. “It’s called quark.” We both laughed at the name.

After our spin through the grocery store, I went home and checked Facebook (I can’t go longer than a few hours without checking. My bad.) and there was a post on my wall called the Quark and Linseed cure for cancer.  What? You got to be kidding.

So, I was amazed and highly skeptic but clicked on the video linked. In the video was a woman who had stage 4 breast cancer that had spread into her lymph nodes and using the Budwig Protocol, which was the quark (cottage cheese) and linseed oil (flax seed) whipped together and then raw flax seed ground in a coffee mill mixed in and eaten as a meal replacement, was how she cured her cancer.

I researched more on Youtube and watched several people mix the recipe up. Some people used hand-mixers or whips as it is important to incorporate the oil well into the cottage cheese and to add lots of air.

People also added flavorings and berries, etc. but the basics are to use only organic small-curd cottage cheese, cold-pressed flax seed oil, and raw flax seeds that you must only grind right before you add to the cottage cheese mixture.

I also watched a video where a doctor proclaimed the Budwig Protocol a bunch of hoo-ey and said the the casein in the cottage cheese is known to add to the cancer’s fuel. Ugh! Who to believe, right. What I do know is that cottage cheese does not agree with me personally. I tried the 17 Day Diet last summer that used a lot of cottage cheese and nothing gives me indigestion like cottage cheese. And if this is such a great cure for cancer, then why isn’t in more…mainstream?

For people who have cancer or ill health, the diet has to be followed for 7 years. I looked at a typical day of eating while on the protocol and it had champagne for lunch as the drink of choice. Champagne?

Of course it said to stay away from sugar (doesn’t champagne have sugar?) and no highly processed foods, eat a lot of raw veggies and lots of water.  No surprise there.

So, is it really a cure or is it just another way to give people with serious illness false hope?  As Hippocrates said:

Let food be the medicine and medicine be thy food.

Recipe for Budwig Protocol

Use 3-13 parts organic, small curd, low fat cottage cheese to 1 part flax seed oil whipped together.

1 tablespoon of freshly ground flax seeds.

Flavor with fresh herbs or honey.

Eat at least once a day as a meal replacement.

Good sources:

